Welcome to the forums! Semicolon-Zero prides itself on a strong internet community. But it wasn't always this way; it took years of dedication and work to achieve what we have, and in order to maintain that we have here a few simple rules to make life easier for everyone.
1. No Flaming
This means what it says. No insults, no making fun, no joking of any kind.
2. Listen to the mods
The mods are here to insure everything runs smoothly, listen to them, do as they say.
3. Do not post threads that have already been posted or discussed in a previous thread before
Every year someone makes a Merry Christmas thread and every year we have to ban them, there has already been a Christmas thread. Use the search feature, that's what it's there for. Yes, we know it's locked. It was locked because every year someone tries to bump it. Refer to rule number 5 below.
4. Do not post anything irrelevant or off topic
This is not your own personal speakeasy. We don't care if your cat just gave birth or if you just got back from Tanzania. If you post anything off topic you will be banned.
5. Do not bump old threads
We are tired of threads more than a day old showing up at the top of the page. Stop it.
6. Do not ask to be a mod
Yes, we know, you want to join the mod team. We're full, and always will be. You are not worthy, go away.
7. Above All: Have Fun
This is the rule we are the most lenient about.
Your first violation will result in a permanent ban. No exceptions.
Thank you: The moderating team.